News story just on TV:
Obama back from Global Warming Conference.
The report showed him stepping out on the platform of AirForceOne and being welcomed by a raging snow storm.
We in western Pennsylvania are having our first semi-significant snow since my wedding day in 2002. Well, maybe we have had some since then, but not much. It still amazes me to wake up to fresh snow. It is one event that truly warms the cockles of my heart. (what are cockles)? I love snow. Some of my most romantic moments with my Hubby have taken place while walking (kissing) in a snowfall. I have a special song (that I made up) that I have sung to my daughter since she was a baby, during the first snow. She is 26 and I still take time, no matter where I am, to call her immediately when I spot the first snowflake, and sing. My first email address involved snow (snooweeeee), my car has a SnoGirl vanity plate, I collect SnoPeople; you get the picture.
I grew up on skiis. My whole family did. My sister began skiing at 18 months old, riding down the slopes between my knees snowplowing.
Snow is calming to me.
I really can't understand people always moaning about this glorious white stuff. Most of the people I know that do complain about the snow are the same ones that utter "it is too cold, it is too hot, it is too dry, its too rainy.............". I wonder if these folks realize that they complain about everything.
I was on facebook and most of the updates from those local involve the snow. Moms are up and out playing with their kids. And one grandma that I know posted that she is going to learn to Snow Shoe today.
Whereever you are, I hope you are enjoying the weather.
I know I am.
If you have a new blanket of glistening white covering your town, go outside and be a kid again. Make a snow angel, then go for a cleansing walk in the snow.
Thank you Obama.
I am glad that you find respite and calm in a snow storm. I like to call it Satan's Dandruff, being a Texas Girl and all. I LOVE the heat and do not complain about it because then I know there is literally a snowball's chance in hell that it will it snow. Snow is sure pretty in pictures, but it sucks in real life. Here's to the perfect snow storm that makes you happy and be sure to thank Obama for this Snow-mas miracle. Hugs, Lisa
I'm glad there is someone else that adores snow as much as I do. I was born and raised in snow country and some of my best memories also involve snow. At the moment my house is decorated all thru with snowmen and they will stay up until spring. I have lived in the south for many many years now and snow is a very rare occurrence. I miss it very much especially at Christmas. When my children were growing up and it would happen to snow an inch or two(and it would always happen in the middle of the night)I have been known to wake them up. I was so excited and wanted us all to go out and play in it. As my children grew up they would say "Mama,please don't wake us up if it snows".It kind of became a joke to them that I was a bigger kid than them. I guess that magic isn't there if you didn't grow up in it being around all the time. Sorry I have rambled on so long. Build a snowman for me while your out there. BTW,still singing the snow song to your daughter is priceless.
we are in the middle of our second snow of the season, its jst beautiful...I always think its natures way of cleaning up the earth, it always looks so sparkliy;)
Lisa I luv the stuff~it is awesome
MyAimless~Yes I do............and Yes I will.......and thank you, sometimes my "kid" thinks I am a dork
Steven~I get the same feeling from fresh snow.
I love snow! Unfortunately for me, I live in Florida! :(
We love the snow here too. We just don't like the bitter cold because then it's too cold to play in. But, there is nothing like a darn good snow blizard and we are snowed in...nothing like playing in the snow and a good snowball fight! :) Enjoy your snow!
This Grandma did not learn to sno shoe today because her body is older than he mind- knee, ankle all that
jazz you get when age creeps up on you - so alas I will have to dream on it BUT we did have fun playing in it and going up to the farm
I like you Lisa am calmed by the snow
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