Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Children ALWAYS Know you can come HOME to Me (us)

I kinda sorta copied and pasted this quote from a blog I just discovered   Her blog caught my attention from my first read.  Please go visit her at 

I hope she does not mind me borrowing this amazing,powerful, simple, truthful quote. 

Hold your children
with open arms, so
they always know
they can come
home to you.  
Khalil Gibran

As some of you know, my daughter Shannon is now a young productive lovely amazing busy determined frazzled young woman. 
I am in such awe of her, and her inner strength, to overcome obstacles and do the right thing. 
Shannon is now planning a wedding with her Jeffrey, going to school full-time and working full-time. She is maintaining grades that I am so proud of, Deans' List included.
I worry about her, and how full her plate is, but I know that she is doing exactly what she feels is important at this time to obtain her goals.  
We have always been so close, from babyhood. She is my bright star.  My arms have always been open to her, and believe me, there were times, that either her or I were not sure that we wanted to be lovey with each other (yes there were molehills and there were mountains of issues during our lives)but, we always knew that, no matter what, our love was guaranteed to be unconditional.
I want Shannon to know that my door is always open, and I want her Jeffrey to know that is now his door also.  I love them both. I am so happy they found each other.

Reading Lori's post today made me feel the need to write this to Shannon and let Jeffrey know now also, that my heart is always open for our children. 
On a side note but related:  
Shannon welcomed her step-father, my second husband, into my life.  
She knew before I did, that I needed and deserved someone who cherished me.   
Shannon and her step-father have a blessed relationship. She welcomes his wisdom and his opinions and criticisms, if necessary.  Shannon Never misses an opportunity to let her Step-Father know how much he is loved, respected and cherished-never a birthday or fathers' day or other event is missed without proper acknowledgment  of how he holds a special place in her life.
I want to thank Shannon for that, over and over. I am so thankful that she has this relationship with this deserving man, my husband.  

Peace out. 

Lisa E.


Lori said...

What a beautiful post to your daughter Shannon. How wonderful that you and her are so close and yet how important it us for them to hear that our hearts and homes are always open to them. I know she is going to treasure your message to well as Jeffery will. How nice that you are gaining such a son.

I love reading of Shannon's relationship with your husband. That is so good to hear because so often you hear the oposite. My children have a great relationship with my husband, their step father too and I know how much it blesses me.

Thank you for your kinds words about me. Of course I love to share so I don't mind. Beautiful words that are encouraging and uplift are meant to be shared. I am thankful that I found my way to your blog! Happy Saturday! Lori

lisa said...

Thank you Lori :O)

Anonymous said...

well you know I have a soft spot for mothers, had it not been for mine, I would have died at my fathers hand....this is such a loving tribute to mother daughter relationships, she sounds amazing, you must have done alot right my friend;)


Mike said...

That was a wonderful outpouring of love for your daughter and your husband! I have had a few step parents, and some who took more time with me and made more sense than my real parents!

lisa said...

I love my hubby and my daughter and I truly do know that he is so good for her and visa versa.
Steven, her bio father, ex husband of my 22 year trial marriage, is fairly, well, I don't know the adjective, but he may be her father, but he certainly does not deserve the loving name of Dad.
Otin,funny how step parents can fill the needs that should be met instinctively.

adrienzgirl said...

My daughter who turned 18 last month and my husband have a similar relationship. SOOOOO thankful for that and them!

Beautiful post to tell her you love her too!