Monday, October 5, 2009

Did you ever want a cupcake?

On my table there are 27 cupcakes.
The cupcake box started with 30.
We bought the cupcakes for the barn party, but after checking out the array of food, I noticed that
not one food item
was store bought.
Not one thing was manufactured for instant consumption.
Each offering was done with loving hands and ingredients.
I told Dee I brought the cupcakes, and she said just keep them in the car, as the food area was a cornucopia overflowing.
That saved me from being embarrassed bringing in a HUGE box of store made cupcakes, but it did not save me from having those
in my house.
Sam's doesn't do little batches of anything.
I want a cupcake so bad.
I have been good since those cupcakes hit the table yesterday morning.
Well, I have been pretty good.
I did stick my finger (by accident of course) into the top of the frosting of one cupcake.
No one can tell though, but me.
Hubby loves birthday cake for breakfast and well, it is like there are
little birthday cakes sitting on the table.
I like birthday cake too.
I also like being pain free.
My orthopedic doctor told me I have pre-arthritis (is that like pre-pregnant?) He said that with that along with the torn cartilage, that I must lose weight.
Cupcakes are not conducive to weight loss.
I keep telling myself that nothing tastes as good as pain free feels.
I really want a cupcake.

Just saying.......
But I will continue to be good.


Anonymous said...

Oh I would want to lay in the box and eat my way out....I love cupcakes..yummers!

lisa said...

Well, I ate 2 cupcakes and ate the top off 2 more and gave puppy the rest. I tried so hard. I guess that is not repulsively bad out of 27.