Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Superior Scribbler Award from Steven at No Excuse No Explanation

I am sitting here in my favorite Vera Wang Evening Gown, freshy pedicured in Heeled Slides, Hair in an elaborate UPDO, and in Full RED CARPET make-up, including MAC lipgloss in playful pink, sipping champagne, as I humbly accept this award.  I am thrilled that my first blog award ever has been given to me by my friend, Steven.  Dude you rock, and continually knock my socks off (ha, I know you like that) :)

go visit him at

There are a few rules for receiving this award:

Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends

Each Superior Scribbler must name the author, the name of the blog, and link of the blog, from whom he/she has received  the award (me-Lisa E)

Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.

Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. (that Mr. Linky thing is on the bottom of the award description page)That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

Now that we've Dispatched with the Formalities, cue the drumroll, please. The 5 Recipients of The Superior Scribbler Award  today are:

1. Michael~Meeko Fabulous . His blog
He is so full of life and humor. He is a scorpio, like ME :O) and he makes smile often when reading about his daily "grind" in the administrative field. 

2.  Dinah, a lovely lady I recently crossed paths with in blogland. Her Blog  A visit with Dinah is like a breath of fresh air. Her writing is positive and her pictures are soothing.  I am glad I found her blog!

3.  Dee~a true lady.  I really really really am so happy I met her for a multitude of reasons.  She makes my world a better place :O). Do drop by her blog and say hi~ Sunshine on My Shoulder-A journey of faith, courage and strength

4.  "Bambi" at  Visit her blog. Funny, positive and she LOVES animals.  You can't go wrong! Thanks for crossing my blog path!
5.  Sandi aka Doris the Great at Aging Disgracefully I am so thankful I fell into her blog at the time of my life when I turn 50.  She is so vibrant and I love how she embraces her "laugh lines"


Psssst.............did I do this right Steven?


Meeko Fabulous said...

OMG! Thank you sooooo much! This totally made my day today! You have no idea. Am thoroughly bummed about having to be confined on the couch with my leg up and be all medicated . . . Hmmmmm . . . Maybe not so bad after all! LOL! I promise I'll get to the particulars of this award soon! :) Again, thank you! :)

My Aimless Infatuation said...

Thank You so much for this award. I love reading your blog,right now I'm speechless.I'm Hoping that I know and understand all the rules right. Thanks again.

Mike said...

WooHooo! Your first award! I am sure that many more shall follow!

You givin' it to Bambi?? Her ego is already out of control!hahahaha!

Now you wait and see what kind of backlash I get from that! :)

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you like it, you glam you;) love the pink lips;)

rxBambi said...

For MOI?? thank you thank you! I'm so glad I just got my hair did and a pedicure yesterday so I am all set to be fabulous!

Oh, and Otin can stuff it. He's just jealous. Be sure you tag him sometime cuz he really really loves that!


deeron said...

I am so very honored and totally surprised. You made my day truly.
I am so glad you got your award-you deserve it , you put a lot of work into it.
I will try to do all these things I have to do correctly -
Thank you so much - it is so neat to know you are right across the street
and my friend on face book-I love knowing your there :-)

lisa said...

Otin and Bambi, I so love your interaction. Good friends make for good fun. are awesome in so many ways. I love reading your posts. bring smiles to your posts.........Dee---you have no idea how you have made my life more pleasant............Steven, I thought you'd like the freshly pedicured toes over the lipstick, you are so multi-dimentional. Thank you all for being a part of your world!!