Saturday, July 25, 2009

simply sushi and tea

In our fast and complex times, I find peace in simplicity.

Today my hubby and I went to a new restaurant in our area. It was an oriental trough, more commonly known as a buffet. He brought home an advertisement for the new hip spot and the pictures alone drew me in. My taste buds were ready.

We loaded up the GPS and headed out on our journey to feast at this new place. The parking lot was jammed full, although it was actually fairly early on a Saturday afternoon.

The joint was bustling with many people of many cultures. I like that. Chopsticks are equally welcome as forks. It is all good.

The choices appeared endless from a distance, but I immediately felt the Japanese station drawing me in. I did not have to wait in the long line at the beginning of the trough. The Japanese station was there, all wide open, with a huge array of SUSHI, welcoming me.

Seaweed wrapped neatly around little roads of rice, topped with tidbits of pure raw food. Simple. Delicate. Common easy ingredients combined into beauty.

Sushi, Wasabi, ginger, along with a little dipping tray of soy


And hot tea, left on our table to enjoy in small plain white handleless cups, for our enjoyment, sip by sip.

I had an enjoyable time with my hubby today.

I appreciate the simplicity. I think all meals should have little white handleless tea cups for our hands wrap around and to be warmed as we slowly sip.

I wish life was like more like sushi and tea

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