Saturday, October 2, 2010

From this day forward-My Daughter's Wedding-May 29, 2010

He fell into her life and into her heart.
  Some would say, "What a coincidence, how they met".
    I say
      God is Good.


adrienzgirl said...

What a beautiful wedding! The photos are fantastic! Right there on the water is lovely. And the bride and groom are just GLOWING!

lisa said...

Up till that day I had one child, a daughter. Now they are both my children!

Anonymous said...

how beautiful....that setting is divine;)

Vix said...

How beautiful! Thanks for sharing your special day. xxx

Mike said...

Very nice. Your daughter was a beautiful bride.

Thank you for my birthday wish. Long time no see!

kathryn said...

Oh! What a beautiful bride! What a gorgeous looks like a perfect day for a wedding.

Your daughter is gorgeous...and she looks like she's over the moon!