Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Hour Friday

I am happy to have a few free moments to actually post 'happy" things.  I could be taking this time to clean my bathroom before I head off to the "grind", but I chose to be with you. 
I am happy we have had a blissful couple of weeks with  snow.  This snow has been with us since around Christmas, and it is still a pretty white.  I don't remember a winter recently with such a beautiful landscape.  I feel uplifted when there is a blanket of snow surrounding me in winter.  (please,no boo's or hisses)

I am happy that with the help of I am tracking what I put in my mouth and I have lost  about 7 pounds since New Years. I have a long long road , but I am glad for this start. I am hopeful that by losing weight my knee pain will lessen.
Since the tear in my knee in July, life has not been pleasant in the weight bearing area. I realize I am too young to be so screwed up. and I need to take control of what I can to make my life better.

I am thankful this rotten ass cold seems to be getting better.  I am a big boob when I am sick, and very whiney (can ya believe it).  I am sure that hubby will be happy it is going away, as he has graciously (he had no choice, and ignored me as much as possible) put up with my whining.

I am thankful daughter's wedding plans are falling into place. 
I am thankful that I have a job to bitch about. I am thankful I sit in maddening traffic to get to work, as that means I still have that position.  I am thankful that I have a non- stop "inbox" as that means I am needed there.  (keep saying this over and over and you will eventually believe it, I do )
I am thankful for early indications that show a turn in the economy.  I hope consumers follow the suggestion that it is, and spend.
 I have much more to be Happy About, but for now, I need to brew another cuppa Joe and get to work.

Thatssssssssssssssssssssssssss all folks!


Lori said...

I love your happy list so far. I am happy just reading about your happy attitude. :) It really is all in how we look at things isn't it? Cheers to Happy Friday....hopefully the cards will be in my favor and I will get one of these happy hour posts done. Happy Friday! And weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Your happy list makes me smile, and I am happy for that;)

happy weekend my friend

Barb said...

I'm happy that you decided to let the bathroom go and blog instead. It's much better for you! I'm happy you love snow. I like it too, when I don't have to drive in it. I hope that cold continues to get better. Happy Friday.

rxBambi said...

haha I'm not sure if this happy hour really counts as Happy! It was kinda pushing it I think! But I like that you're finding the silver lining on everything. We can't all be chipper all the time.
Thanks for playing along!

mean_owen said...

I also like your ability to find the silver lining. That's something I don't always do so well. When life gives you lemons, make limoncello!

Margaret said...

Your list is great!

Mike said...

7 lbs! That is great! You have reason to be happy right there.

I could do without lingering snow, but to each his own!

Leah said...

Lisa, 7lbs is awesome! That's a big deal! I get excited about losing 2lbs, but that's probably just me fluctuating. Keep it up though!! Let's do this! :-)

Organic Meatbag said...

Can we make this "happy hour monday"? Hahaha