I am thinking about Thanksgiving.
In my previous life, Pre-Rick, in my "trial 22 year marriage", I got so absorbed in the holidays, with decorating, buying, wrapping, buying, wrapping, and more buying. All of this action was to attempt to ignore the void created by an invisible (he lived there, but only in body) husband/father in my/daughter's life.
Times are different now, Thank God. My daughter has grown into a beautiful young woman. She has come a long way baby! I am married to a good man, who loves me and my kid (ok, she is 26, but she is my KID). I don't have an uncontrollable desire to go mad-dog with holidays now.
This Thanksgiving we get to spend time with daughter and her fiance, and this Christmas, his family will enjoy them. The kid's, as I call my daughter and her fiance, rotate, as most couples do with family holidays.
I think this Thanksgiving I am going to attempt to bake. I think I am the only 49 year old (I AM 49 until TUESDAY) that does not know how to bake without burning.
Since marrying Rick, I have not done a lot of cooking. He is a master in the kitchen, and hey, why mess with a good thing, but I think I am going to kick his butt out and make a real pie, with real fruit, not out of a can, and homemade crust.
I am not sure anyone will be thrilled about it, but, I want to give it a go.
Our lives are so full of "stuff". Job pressures, friend obligations, money situations, broken toilets, gas prices........................this list goes on. I whine, can you believe it, daily about something.
I want to work on being aware of all I have to be thankful about.
I love my husband. He can be a bastard on occasion , but he is mine, all mine, and trust me, I am not "a walk in the park" to live with. He loves me unconditionally. I know I have MANY flaws, and he never ever brings them up, or shoves them in my face. He makes me smile. He is moral. He is good. He is a hard worker. He is not opinionated, he is always right. (that one is tough). He loves animals. He loves my kid. He cares.
I am thankful that God dropped this man in my lap, when I did not expect it, nor want it, and he is my husband.
This was a ramble but hey, sometimes I have to do that.................
Happy Sunday.
You just ramble anytime you want too(That's what blogs are for). I know what you mean about trial marriage(mine lasted 20 years). All tho I am widowed now,from second marriage,I fully understand about filling a void with shopping. I have been alone now for 8 years..........I am shopped out,lol. Glad you have found happiness at last.
Nice that you have someone in your life that you feel strongly about! This was a great pre thanksgiving, Thanksgiving!!
Thanks for letting me ramble!! Rick is a good one and I know it. He is out in the kitchen now making some chicken garlicy, spinachy, tortellini thing now. Hmmmmmmm smells yummzers!
I think it was great too. It's good ro remember all the good stuff around us. Happy Sunday
YOu take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have...the Facts of Life. (okay, okay so I copied that from an old sitcom but it fits, lol) I hope you are from Ohio,....either that or your google ads know who I am with this damned ad for issue 3 that is actually on my tv as we speak too...lol
I like how you describe your first as your "trial marriage"... got a kick out of that...
The marriage was the hard part!! The divorce was a walk in the park :O)
I am 44 and a divorced mother of 1 19 year daughter...i was only married for 3 years though and have been unable in 16 years to meet anyone who was worth marrying or who wanted to marry me..it sucks.
Thanks for coming to my blog and i will be following yours as well..kind of nice to be part of one that isnt centered on babies and toddlers..
I am glad you stopped Laura and commented. I too agree that there seems to be wayyyyyyyyyyyy many blogs that center around diapers.
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