Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Hour Friday on a Saturday, Me Bad!

From an Idea Found on The Good Cook got it from a blog she follows.
Oh man, I can't find the linkie originator.
Anyhow, They do a Happy Hour on Friday which is just a post of happy things in your life.
They also have that linkie thing which, of course, I don't understand.
So as always, my psuedo blogging dorky self, welcomes help to properly do whatever you are supposed to do to join this Happy Hour thingy.
I just found the blog , please forgive me Wizard of Otin for my tardiness :(

I am Happy I have a family that loves me
I am Happy I have two furry kids that adore me
I am Happy I am married to my best friend who loves me unconditionally.
I am Happy my child has found a man who cherishes her, as I do, and they will be wed soon.
I am Happy it is Saturday.
I am Happy that yesterday was FRIDAY~~~~
I am Happy that I have found some Mother of the Bride dresses that don't make me want to barf looking at them.
I am Happy that I am finally comfortable on my own street. (Thank you Dee)
I am Happy that my Hubby is making awesome Chili for dinner and he made extra just for my Mom~

My wish for you is happiness <3


Mike said...

Thanks for coming by! I just made chili last weekend! I like mine super hot, so I had to split the pot up. lol

rxBambi said...

Thanks for coming my my place too! Otin is already super hot, so I don't know what he's talking about...
You can do a HHF any day of the week, not just on Friday, so feel free :)

lisa said...

Well, I like both of your blogs!!! (I like Friday Happy Hours too, and not just on Fridays)

The Good Cook said...

I think I'm going to send you an email with all the little tips on how to link and other stuff.. okay? you are a sweet woman and I'm glad you are finding Mother of Bride dresses that don't make you want to vomit. I went through that 3 years ago..

lisa said...

Thank you so much. My email is and I am computer knowledgeable but blog lacking!!