Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yesterday,  hubs and I had the opportunity to attend the biggest party I have ever been to. 
 My son in law obtained four tickets to the
Penn State v. Michigan game
from a business associate and decided to take

 I had no clue what I was in for. 
The weather was great, and as always, I love spending time with the kids and the hubs.
Hubs had been to Penn State games before. but I was a Penn State football game virgin.
The place was beyond jam packed with acres upon acres of RV's, cars and HUGE parties going on.

The atmosphere was so contagiously friendly that it was easy to get lost in the fun. 
We met up with some of the kid's college friends and tailgated. 

We had so so so much fun. 
Hubs had told me that a game at Penn State was something that you had to experience to understand.  He is correct.  There were 108,000 in attendance at the game. 
This place is gigantic. 

 There were probably about 20,000 above that celebrating outside without tickets and watching the game on flat screens.
The stadium rocked with excitement.

 Penn State won  YAY!
  A few fans leaving Beaver Stadium
(it was a white out, can you tell)?
 Daughter and Son-in-Law
Tailgating Aftermath Argh!!!

We had such a great time and hope to do it again!
I feel beat up though today. It was a LONG but FUN FUN day!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun,but strange to be a voyeur of someone's life

Today I wanted to go driving around aimlessly.
It was a beautiful morning.
I already had my first cup of java,  it was still early and I had money in my pocket. 

I asked hubs if he felt like going with me and he grumpily said............ok.

We started off at a yard sale down the road. Most Saturday mornings, years ago, began this way.  Today was the first time in a very long time. 
Did not score, or perhaps did score. I left with never opening my purse.  That is a score in Hubs eyes.

Back in the SUV again and we headed west, or maybe south~I am totally geographically challenged and Proud!

Hubs saw a sign for an auction and did a quick U Turn.
You see, Hubs loves auctions.
He used to live in Lancaster Pennsylvania, the land of the outside auction and the Amish..
I corrupted an Amish man (Him~and he liked it) and he came live with me.
He decided to cohabitate with me because it took too long to come court me by horse and buggy
and he is not a fan of the
Amish Airlines.

Anyhow, we found this auction.
Cars and trucks  were lined up and down this long street.

It was my first auction of this kind. 
I had worked an at an upscale auction house a few years ago as their computer person, but this was
like that.
This was Hubs kind of auction.  Everything would go.

in broad daylight,
 among strangers,
 was a man's lifelong accumulation of things
and his
 being sold to the highest bidder.
It was his estate. 
There was a plethora of things. 
Most probably had no sentimental ties, but still it felt odd, almost obtrusive to be there.
Seeing all that he had touched, or loved, or whatever, put out for everyone's scrutiny of value.
With him, not there to defend their worth.

And, oh boy, this man had a lot of stuff. 
 Tools, decorations, furniture, housewares
risque art,  risque toys, risque gags and risque lamps
..........the guy was into naked women,
let me tell you.
I wonder what he would feel if he knew all this was out in the open.  It was circus-like as the auctioneer and runners joked about his sexual belongings.

On to my experience!!!
Ok, I was shy at first.
I was intimidated to bid.  I had first time
auction bidder nervousness.
But, then, I got caught up in the excitement. I raised my hand at first,then the auctioneer knew what I would bid on,
he just looked at me for a slight nod.
He had my number.
The following are photos of the fun.
This was my score.  I am a costume vintage jewelry addict.....Seriously!
This is a great place to people watch also.  That is one of our favorite things to do!
Hubs was checking out some of the goods prior to it being auctioned off.

That white case held a lot of the pieces I bid and won!!!
Below, Hubs is putting the little wooden dove-tailed set of drawers that I bid on and won (in a slight bidding war). The auctioneer said held jewelry. 
  It actually had
It was full of copper bushings and couplers.....
Errrrrrrr, oooopppppps!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Patriot Paws. Have you heard of them?

During our recent trip to the Outer Banks we visited The Wright Brothers Museum.    Inside, at an exhibit, we noticed a man in a wheelchair with a dog leading him.  When we were closer to the man, we noticed that the man was an injured vet and his companion dog was provided through Patriot Paws. 

When we got home my husband did some research on Patriot Paw and he was touched by their mission.  This sparked an idea for him to do something to help those who protect us .

My Hubs has the following posted on his facebook wall. Please contact him through FB if you are interested in helping this cause. Thank you to those who have responded already <3

That is my hubs (Rick Eichenlaub) above :O)

"On Veterans Day I'm doing leg presses at the gym for an hour. I'm looking for donations, Either a flat amount OR, an amount per ton. My goal is to do at least 120 ton in a hour. The proceeds will be going to Patriot Paws. Please visit their website at I'm looking for donations from everyone and... everywhere so any help will be greatly appreciated. "

Checks are to be made out to Patriot Paws. Contact Rick.

See More Service dog training for Veterans and the impaired - Patriot Paws Service Dogs
Providing dog training and service dogs for the benefit of disabled American Veterans and American’s with mobile disabilities.

October 9 at 11:15am · Comment ·LikeUnlike · Share · Flag

You can find Rick's page linking through my page. Thanks !!

There are tons of references to Patriot Paws online
check them out!

you can start here

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Take Him I have to PEE PEE

"Take him, I have to pee pee. Daddy does not know what we do during the day.  Who do you love the most?  Do you want to go barefoot?  Do you want one shoe on and one shoe off?  How does the pumpkin go?  How does the shoe go?  Do you want daddy to go to the car and get your computer?  Giovanni this and Giovanni that. Blah blah blah. Blah. Who loves to snuggle with mommy?  Who reads son the best books?  Who is the best mommy? Who do you love more, mommy or daddy?"

The above was conversation we overheard last night.  We were not eavesdropping.  It was all said in a decibel level we didn't have to strain to hear.

Last night was probably the most bizarre night at a restaurant I have ever endured/watched/experienced in my life.

We went to a "new to us" place outside of the town I grew up in.  The parking lot was raging full; indicating a good choice.  We walked in and were seated in a booth. This was a casual up-scale type place.

Hubs took the side next to the circus show and I sat across, having full view of the nauseating fiasco.  There was a young family of three consisting of a little boy, his mother and his father. 

This child was climbing on the back of the booth (his whole body was on the divider) and the parents appeared to be oblivious to this.  He climbed on the table and jumped on it.  The child was knocking pictures off kilter on the walls. 

Mother  spoke loudly in that whiney bitchey superior tone that you would associate with a snotty "wanna be rich suburban person".  She never shut up.  Never.

The little boy never sat still. Never.

The father never said a word to either of them.  Never.

Dinner was delivered to their table and there was quiet at the table, not for long.  When the waiter checked on the meals.  "Mommy-Self Absorbed" complained her steak was cold and the grill marks were not right on the cut of steak.    All the while she went into making faces at the waiter telling him how gross it was and saying they must have just slapped the meat on the grill twice and threw it on her plate.  This went on for about two minutes. 

 Waiter took back the meat, had it redone and delivered it to "Mommy Princess".  She then asked for another sauce. Waiter brought it, and then asked for double sour cream and another iced tea.  By the time he comes back, she then goes into drama mode again with all her faces and whining and says this is not a porterhouse steak, it is a gross piece of meat. She can't eat it. It isn't soft. She knows her steaks. This is a cheap cut of meat. It may as well be hamburger.  She knows her steaks (I know I typed this twice).

I am truly amazed at this waiter handling this woman.  He takes the plate and asks if she wants to order something else.  Yes, PrimaDonna is HUNGRY, but she needs to study the menu again.  Ten minutes later, she gets the waiter to describe exactly what sausage stuffed peppers are and decides on that. 
Those peppers came out SO fast from the kitchen. You could see all of the staff and most of the restaurant guests were aware of this going on. 
All the while, the father said nothing. 

She never said thank you.  She only shut her pie hole long enough to shove a fork full of food in her mouth.

The check came.  Father paid, and thanked the waiter, and said his food was very good. Father did have a voice after all.

"Mommy Bitch", got up from the booth.  Gave dear son to father.  Father had son, all of his toys, his two blankets and his diaper bag. 

She lead the threesome out of the restaurant. 

I was hurt for the father who had no part of this family, or the control of this child.  Mommy is so self-absorbed and she raising up a monster of a brat. 

If this was any (and you know it was) indication of this family and their life together, it is heart wrenching. 

I don't understand her behavior and I do not understand the father allowing it.  Shame on both of them.

And on a side-note:  Do any of you know how a pumpkin "goes"?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

From this day forward-My Daughter's Wedding-May 29, 2010

He fell into her life and into her heart.
  Some would say, "What a coincidence, how they met".
    I say
      God is Good.